Fear without justification of evidence, has condemned those who were innocent of the things they were accused of, and caused them harm. God help us to overcome fear of the unknown. Teach us to know what is right. Your wisdom and knowledge is greater and is above all others. Therefore, power is in your hands; and condemnation is justified, according to your judgment.
Bull Snake: Bite is not venomous
Food consumption: The bull snake consumes birds and birds eggs, ground squirrels, gophers, rabbits, and rodents. The bull snake like others, have been falsely accused of being a threat that could cause harm to others. And the need to prevent a threat against its species, without evidence; they have been condemned without justification, and killed because of fear. The purpose of the bull snake is a great asset to help protect the food exchange, from the destruction by animals and other living creatures, that destroy seeds and plants.
This is the bull snake that drove away the field mice, and the gophers from our yard, that were pests; and stopped the big ugly mounds of dirt made by the gophers on our lawn. We no longer see any mice around . When I told my husband about this snake, he went in search of it, to get rid of its existence. I pointed out to him, all of the good things the snake had done for us. After considering the evidence, he agreed that the snake should stay. And he warned me, "That snake is going to get bigger!" My response was, He will still be the same. It is an innocent harmless, living creature.
Perhaps, this is the same belief, those who fear others, believe they should be removed from society, because of their appearance, and not the contributions they made, to make our society a better place, for all people and animals to live in peace.
Photo and writing by:
Ellen Jean Barrier and Jermaine Barrier