Men who Prey Upon Females

 Sexual Assault and Battery
A man should never take an advantage of a female to sexually abuse her, and physically harm her, to satisfy his own sexual pleasures. Such behavior, harm a female mentally as well as physical. It doesn't matter how many years that have gone by since the abuse occurred: to the female, the pain from the assault will never leave her.

Sexual assault and battery, are common in society. These acts have always occurred since the days of old. There is no place where they have not occurred. Now, is the time to clean the souls of those who have committed these acts against females, by confessing and asking forgiveness.

The younger generations of males, will benefit from those who live by an example of treating girls and women with respect.

Written by Ellen Jean Barrier

Author of: The Price We Must Pay For Our Father's Sins

Book: The Price We Must Pay For Our Father's Sins

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There IS No Love As Great As This LOVE

Love expressed from a parent to a child, to protect and to provide for

The time a child sacrifices to spend with a parent, to express caring

The LOVE a man shows to his wife, and the many ways she rewards him, with her LOVE in return
The precious LOVE shown to that special someone, whose presence is felt in every heartbeat  as ONE

Above all LOVE is the  LOVE of God, whose LOVE never fail.

Everyday his LOVE is shown by each breath we take, and the things we see, the sound we hear, and the things we smell and touch.

To hear the sound of thunder, seeing the fiery lightning bolts, and feeling the power of its strikes, that shakes the ground underneath us, is a reminder that it  is God's Grace and Mercy that controls nature, to keep us safe from the power of Earth Disasters.

To Feel The Presence of God

To feel the warmth of the sun, and look into a beautiful sunrise

To see a beautiful sunset

On a night when the moon and the stars light up the sky, and a falling star, or many stars that fall are visible to our eyes:

Our hearts are delighted with happiness, and from within our soul we speak to God, a prayer of thanks. And he speaks back to us with a breath of fresh air filled with a sweet fragrance from the sky covering us with his LOVE

The Spirit of the Good Samaritan, lives on in the Hearts of people who reaches out to others,  to lend a helping hand and provide comfort, in their times of need. In all these things, the LOVE of God is shown. There is no Love as great as this LOVE.

Written by Ellen J. Barrier
Barrier's Books & Associates

Undisciplined Leaders Willing to Lead But Unprepared

Undisciplined Leaders with a willingness to lead but unprepared, are those likened to blindfolded people with ear plugs in their ears, driving passenger vehicles without seat belts at very high speed rates.

Their vehicles are overloaded with people looking through tinted windows, fearing for their lives and for the lives of others, in the path of their drivers that cannot see the things within their path, and do not care about the rules of the road. Neither can they hear the voices of the people trying desperately to give them instructions, to avoid the catastrophe, that is going to happen.

Written by Ellen J. Barrier
Barrier's Books & Associates

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Fear Without Evidence

No one or anything should be condemned, without justification of evidence.

Fear without  justification of evidence, has condemned those who were innocent of the things they were accused of, and caused them harm. God help us to overcome fear of the unknown. Teach us to know what is right. Your wisdom and knowledge is greater and is above all others. Therefore, power is in your hands; and condemnation is justified, according to your judgment.

Bull Snake:  Bite is not venomous
Food consumption: The bull snake consumes birds and birds eggs, ground squirrels, gophers, rabbits, and rodents. The bull snake like others, have been falsely accused of being a threat that could cause harm to others. And the need to prevent a threat against its species, without evidence; they have been condemned without justification, and killed because of fear. The purpose of the bull snake is a great asset to help protect the food exchange, from the destruction by animals and other living creatures, that destroy seeds and plants. 

This is the bull snake that drove away the field mice, and the gophers from our yard, that were pests; and stopped the big ugly mounds of dirt made by the gophers on our lawn. We no longer see any mice around . When I told my husband about this snake, he went in search of it, to get rid of its existence. I pointed out to him, all of the good things the snake had done for us. After considering the evidence, he agreed that the snake should stay. And he warned me, "That snake is going to get bigger!" My response was, He will still be the same. It is an innocent harmless, living creature.

Perhaps, this is the same belief, those who fear others, believe they should be removed from society, because of their appearance, and not the contributions they made, to make our society a better place, for all people and animals to live in peace.  

Photo and writing by:
Ellen Jean Barrier and Jermaine Barrier

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Core Care Supplement and Its Health Benefits

Presented by Ellen Barrier

Dietary Supplement
With Omega 3-5-6-7-9
Recommended use for heart, brain, joint and skin health

Benefits I have discovered from those who I know that take this products and my study:

Omega food and health products provide important benefits to our health. Their food sources plays a significant role in the treatment for ailments and also, provide preventive measures to guard against other health issues.
This product has been known to show successful improvements in reducing the symptoms of Psoriasis: A skin disorder, that reveals redness, itching and scaling. This skin condition, is marked by tiny oval or round patches covered with silver scales. These red itchy areas, normally appears on the back, buttocks, elbows, palms, knees, scalp and on the soles of the feet.
Foods containing Omega -3 are found in mackerel, sardines, salmon, soy beans, wheat germs, nuts, seeds (Pumpkin and Sunflower) whole grains, processed vegetable oils, soy and safflowers.
Omega-3-5-6-7-9 products are available to help support good health and wellness in the brain, heart, joints and skin. Their nutrients provides vital nutritional aides to maintain a healthy body.

Update for Zennoa Core Care, a full-spectrum Omega Blend
(OMEGA 3-5-6-7-9)
These are the results reported to me from the people who took the Zennoa Core Care product after the first six weeks:
1. Stool Softener
Those who had irregularities and constipation noted great
improvement in bowel movements while taking the Zennoa Core
Care product.
2. Increased Strength in Joints and Muscles
People who reportedly suffered with pain in their knees and
weakness in their legs along with cramps, said they have seen
much successful improvement: from little to no pain in their knees
and have not had any cramps in their legs, since they started
taking the Zennoa Core Care product.
3. Improvement in Digestion
Those who suffered from indigestion after eating, said they no
longer experienced those symptoms while taking the Zennoa
Core Care product.
The people who gave the results of the Zennoa Core Care
product found it to be successful in their health care needs, and
are continuing to take it as a daily aid in their diet.
To learn more about Zennoa Core Care, visit me @
Ellen J. Barrier

What Should You Do When You Have Prayed For Something And The Answer Seems To Be Taking Forever To Come?

You need to ask God for guidance in your thought process, decision making, and your use of judgment, to have patience.
The method God use to grant requests, is one that requires a process of preparation to guarantee success, with long-lasting results.
Scripture: For ye have need of patience, that after, ye have done the will of God ye might receive the promise. (Hebrews 10:36)
Promise: Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every  one that asks receives; and he that seeks finds; and to him that knocks it shall be opened. (words of Jesus Christ) Matthew 7:7, 8

A 35-year-old former boxer has been praying to God, to send him a beautiful strong woman, to get married to, and have a family. He would like a son and a daughter. He has been praying the same prayer every night, before falling asleep, for the past three years. It was during the second year of his nightly prayer, that in his dreams, there is a young woman; she is plain looking with a cheerful countenance, and a beautiful smile. He cannot understand why, he sees this woman every night. The woman in his mind when he pray, is one with a different face and somewhat older, with a much different countenance.

Today, while shopping, at the mall,  a stray shopping cart loaded with school supplies hit him, "What the?" he replied. He see a lady chasing the cart! She said, with a friendly smile, "Hello" and asked, if he was injured? " He replied, " I will be OK, think nothing of it. " She apologized, took her cart, and continued to shop.  He was hoping he really would be OK, and so was she.
It was during his dream that night, when he saw her, that it was the woman whose stray shopping cart had hit him, in the shopping mall. "This can't be just a coincidence he said, when the sound of thunder, and a bolt of lightning, shining through his window, woke him from the dream."

After that day, he returned to the shopping mall almost daily, around the same time, he met the woman with the stray shopping cart that hit him,  hoping to see her again. However, he continued to pray for a beautiful strong woman to get married to, and have a family. He would like a son and a daughter.

On this day, his nephew offered to take him to a baseball game. The day was sunny and very warm. Sound like fun! he had said, and was happy to spend some quality time with his nephew, who was home for the summer. He was studying film production, and was planning on becoming a movie producer.

His nephew, was quite a funny guy! He could say things that would crack his uncle up. The kind of laughter that makes your stomach ache, and cause you to bend over, laughing out loud, while trying to keep from embarrassing yourself. It was during this situation, that the uncle bumped into a woman, knocking her hot dog and popcorn, out of her hands. When he looked up to apologize, and offer to buy her another hot dog, and a bag of popcorn, he stared into the face of the lady in his dreams; the woman with the stray shopping cart, that had hit him, in the shopping mall. Their eyes met. They knew each other, from a very familiar place! It was in their dreams.

His nephew cleaned up the mess from the hot dog and popcorn, while the couple, spent the day together, he learned that she is a school teacher. She learned that he is a boxing trainer who counsel his students of all ages, in a self discipline program.

That night he fell asleep without praying. His dream came; this time he saw himself with the school teacher kneeling in front of an altar.

She invited him to speak to her class, on their third date.

This is what he said to her students:

Use your mind as a weapon for good to help others, and for yourself;  to bring about the kind of change that will allow peace and prosperity for the good of humanity. Never use your physical strength as a weapon, to try to prove how tough you are. Only stupid people do such things.

Today, the schoolteacher and the boxing trainer/self-discipline counselor, are a successful married couple. They are the proud parents of accomplished children; a daughter and son, who have a family of their own. Each has added, three children to the family tree.

written by:
Ellen Jean Barrier
Barrier's Books & Associates

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“God created us all with his love, to be equally treated.
No human being is superior over another.” 

“Hope keeps dreams alive through the prayers of those who never give up. They are able to pursue their dreams with confidence and reach their goals.

“For every one that asks receives, and he that seeks finds; and to him that knocks, it shall be opened.” Matthew 7:8 words of Jesus Christ”

Ellen Jean Barrier

Video: by Ellen Jean Barrier